How To Buy
SUNRISE wants to make your purchase, implementation, and evaluation of 3D software as effortless as possible.
1. Trial
We want you to understand the promise and benefits of learning in 3D. Feel free to try out programs right now at no cost. Click here to download the revolutionary PDF app. Also, sign up for Classroom3D Direct to receive free weekly 3D programs and lesson plans based on the important issues in the world.
Getting started on a free trial is simple. Drop us a line, and we’ll set up a brief conversation to gather necessary information.
Remote Learning Trial
In these trying times, we all have do our part. If you would like to use 3D immediately to support remote learning students, SUNRISE will provide all programs free of charge. Click here to download the revolutionary PDF app for your students. Now. Then send it out to students in need. Let us know how you plan to use it so we can better support you. However your school is operating (face-to-face, online, hybrid, student quarantine) we can help further your goals.
2. Research
3D learning is new. We understand the need to understand and get comfortable with it. To understand the 25-year global research base in the field, dive into the research base on 3D and VR learning. Read SUNRISE conference papers and presentations. Watch videos. If you have specific questions, or would like to talk with program designers, please contact SUNRISE.
3. Purchase
Pay by Purchase Order?
Please mail or send your institution’s PO to You can also mail your PO via registered mail if desired.
Pay by Check?
If you are paying by check, please make checks payable to "SUNRISE Virtual Reality" and reference your quote number on the memo line.
Pay by Credit Card?
To pay by Credit Card you have two options; 1) by phone, 2) on our website.
4. Implementation
Based on the resources you have available SUNRISE will help you customize a formal Implementation Plan. This includes the process of installation, professional development, monitoring progress, making adjustments, and evaluating impact.
Our support staff is always available to walk you through how to set up and use our software.
Implementation Stages
Exploration: Set goals, tactics and strategies.
Installation: PDF/email delivery vs. Google Play
Initial training: PD, teacher access and comfort
Monitoring: Ensuring access
Evaluation: Metric determination and assessment
The SUNRISE team will be on standby to answer any questions and will follow up regularly.
5. Ongoing Consultation
3D is new. Let’s explore the best way for kids to access 3D learning and prove a child can learn anything. At no cost, SUNRISE will provide ongoing consultancy to 1) determine additional needs, 3) ensure technology is useful, 4) ensure teachers are able to easily integrate programs, 5) deliver professional development services, and 6) program expansion options.
In you need more detailed metrics on 3D use, SUNRISE can arrange a pilot project, a small-scale, short-term experiment that helps you learn how a larger implementation of 3D Learning might go. We’ll help you create a timeline for the pilot and metrics for how success will be determined.
If a more statistical assessment is needed, we’ll help you construct a program to measure student success with a university partner. Evaluation outcomes can include cost-benefit analyses, measuring effects on student learning, measuring effects on at-risk students, and recommendations to help improve implementation, both in-school and remote.
6. Request Programs
We’re good listeners at SUNRISE. Our partners tell us what programs to build. Want to see the Underground Railroad routes in 3D? How about blockchain technologies? We already built them based on your input. You know best, so let us know what’s important to your teachers and students. We’ll build it at no additional fee and include it with your subscription.